Unfilled Orders for U.S. Durable Goods Reach Record High

New orders for manufactured durable goods in August decreased $54.5 billion, or 18.2%, to $245.4 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau announced. This decrease, down following two consecutive monthly increases, followed a 22.5% July increase. Excluding transportation, new orders increased 0.7%.

Transportation equipment, also down following two consecutive monthly increases, drove the decrease, $55.6 billion, or 42.0%, to $76.8 billion.

Unfilled orders for manufactured durable goods in August, up sixteen of the last seventeen months, increased $7.4 billion, or 0.6%, to $1,165.0 billion. This was at the highest level since the series was first published on a NAICS basis in 1992 and followed a 5.3% July increase.

Transportation equipment, up eleven of the last twelve months, led the increase, $4.3 billion, or 0.6%, to $742.1 billion.

Inventories of manufactured durable goods in August, up sixteen of the last seventeen months, increased $1.7 billion, or 0.4%, to $403.0 billion. This was at the highest level since the series was first published on a NAICS basis and followed a 0.4% July increase.

Transportation equipment, also up sixteen of the last seventeen months, led the increase, $0.6 billion, or 0.4%, to $129.9 billion.

To view the full U.S. Census Bureau report, click here.

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