
Kris Foster: Building Pinnacle’s Equipment Finance Success Story

While the regional bank scare of 2023 was tumultuous for many banks, it served as an “opportunity of a lifetime” for Pinnacle, which achieved nearly $700 million in portfolio growth. Kris Foster, executive vice president, credits this success to the company’s culture and its client-focused business strategy.... read more

Nick Small: Excitement In The Evolution Of Tomorrow

After nearly 35 years in equipment finance, Nick Small is leading Cisco Capital as president. He outlines his vision for the company and shares his perspective on the best way to ensure the ongoing vitality of the industry.... read more

Capital Markets Corner: How To Be The Buyer A Syndicator Calls First

Want to be the first buyer on a syndicator’s call list? Scott Kiley shares how to make that happen by embracing the three Rs: relationship, responsiveness and reliability.... read more

Scott Dienes: Creating Opportunities & Building Relationships

With a solid track record at industry giants like GE Capital and Wells Fargo, Scott Dienes stepped out of his comfort zone to launch a de novo equipment finance division for Associated Bank. His team works hand in hand with bank colleagues to create opportunities for customers.... read more

Walter Stranzl: Staying On Point In A Changing Industry

As president of OnPoint Capital, the captive of OnPoint Group, Walter Stranzl consistently seeks out challenging opportunities, whether in the current economic climate or in future collaborations between the industry and AI.... read more

Monitor 100 CEO Roundtable: Positivity And Perseverance Through 2024 And Beyond

Monitor sat down with five prominent leaders from Monitor 100 companies to discuss the past, present and future of the industry and their organizations. Each leader reflects on their companies’ successes over the past year, the challenges and opportunities they’re currently facing and their plans for strategic adaption to an evolving market landscape coupled with rapid technological advancement.... read more

Engaging In Global Expansion – Developed Vs. Emerging Markets

Leaders from three Monitor 100 companies — 1st Source, Global Jet Capital and BMO — discuss their journeys into international markets, reveal pros and cons of emerging versus developed markets around the world and point to current opportunities abroad.... read more

The Art of the Deal: Financing Musicians

Music makes the world go ‘round, but who finances the musicians? Ken Greene explores the often untapped music industry and how lenders and lessees can break into the market.... read more

AI is a Tool For The Curious Mind: An Interview With Rafe Rosato

What’s your view on AI? Do you see it as a threat or as a tool to enhance your team’s performance? Deb Reuben and Rafe Rosato discuss how to shift your mindset about this technology and use it to enhance your team’s operational capabilities... read more

Depoliticizing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

There’s a true split in diversity, equity and inclusion in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn affirmative action last summer. While some companies are cracking under the pressure of subsequent legal threats, others are taking strong stands to continuously advocate for DE&I.... read more

Funding Source Roundtable: Cautious Optimism Amid Economic Uncertainty

Monitor sat down with four notable leaders to assess the state of the funding source space, as Paul Fogle, Dave Lyder, Deborah Monosson and Adam Peterson check in on current deal flow, challenges lenders are facing, concerns about credit quality and the rise of fraud, and how geopolitical and banking turmoil are impacting their businesses.... read more

Set Back But Optimistic: Monitor‘s Top Private Independents’ Growth Spurt Slows

Monitor’s Top 30 Private Independents experienced a slight lull in originations growth in 2023 after two consecutive years of the highest-reported year-over-year new business volume growths in the ranking’s history. Still, it was a good year for the independents, which reported a collective 14.9% year-over-year new business volume growth. The top five independents are a mix of familiar faces and old friends, consisting of Stonebriar, GreatAmerica, PEAC Solutions, Fleet Advantage and Auxilior Capital Partners.... read more

Top Private Independents Roundtable: Cost of Capital and the Rise of Private Credit are Key Themes for 2024

With banks pulling back from equipment finance, what does the landscape look like for independents? Brian Holland, Steve O’Leary and Bill Stephenson weigh in on the cost of capital and the rise of private credit and provide an outlook for the year ahead.... read more

Navigating The Messy Middle: How to Create Successful Change

Transformation projects rarely involve a simple journey from current state to future state. TomorrowZone and the ELFA explored how to navigate the messy middle in their most recent Innovation Roundtable.... read more

March Madness: Charting The Capital Markets Chaos of 2023

In 2023, the equipment finance capital markets space experienced the most dramatic and rapid changes since the Great Recession. Scott Kiley recounts the flurry of events that unfolded in his new column, Capital Markets Corner.... read more

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