A team of familiar faces — led by Steve Grosso — has created a new supply chain sales catalyst company founded on people and technology. As a well-capitalized new entrant with an experienced management team, Auxilior Capital Partners is poised for exponential growth as it focuses on service, innovation and increasing the sales and market share of its partners.... read more
Monitor Vol. 48 No. 6 2021
Paul Fogle of Quality Leasing, Terey Jennings of Financial Pacific Leasing and David Lee of North Mill Equipment Finance sit down for a roundtable discussion centered on brokers, providing insights into why they work with third-party originators and what it takes to be a top notch broker. ... read more
Vol. 48 No. 6 2021
Software is often the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of remote collaboration, but technology should be the last item on your list. Peter Haug, Deborah Reuben and Mark Tomaselli explain why changing your mindset, placing people first and becoming an effective facilitator are the first steps toward effectively collaborating from a distance. ... read more
Vol. 48 No. 6 2021
Kenneth P. Weinberg goes over the complicated details of cross-collateralization for equipment leasing and finance transactions with the hopes of helping those engaged in this practice to see the right solution more clearly. ... read more
Monitor 101 2021