Editor’s Picks

The Generative AI Future for Equipment Finance: It’s Time to Think About How to Make it Happen

What are the practical applications of AI in equipment finance? What can it do today and what can we train it to do tomorrow? Valerie Gerard and Denis Stypulkoski explore possibilities for streamlining sales, documentation, underwriting, asset valuation and more.... read more

What’s Your Company’s Innovation Type?

Innovation is not just a buzzword; it’s a science, an art and an intentional practice that exists in many forms. Denis Stypulkoski outlines how to identify your company’s innovation type.... read more

1st Annual Best Companies in the Equipment Finance Ecosystem

Recognizing the lenders, service providers, associations, fintech enablers or any other top-notch companies that have demonstrated excellence in Innovation, ESG, Leadership, DE&I or Culture in 2023... read more

Nine Common Traits of the Best Company Cultures

Does your company have a winning culture, or is there room for improvement? The leaders of companies selected for Monitor’s 2024 Best Companies list in the culture category share the traits that set their companies apart and discuss nine common themes inherent in the best company cultures.... read more

The Lifelong Learning Mindset: Leaders Shouldn’t Know Everything

Leaders of Monitor’s Best Companies in the Leadership category discuss how effective leaders contribute to the success and well-being of their teams, organizations and communities by fostering a positive and productive environment.... read more

Five Steps to Adopt and Maintain Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Monitor’s Best Companies in the DE&I category share examples of how establishing a companywide definition of diversity, equity and inclusion and maintaining best practices that truly matter to and benefit their employees and communities have led to organizational success.... read more

Leading The Way: Lenders Weigh in on ESG in Equipment Finance

The equipment finance industry can lead customers, clients and other equipment finance companies toward an electrified, emissions free and sustainable future. Monitor sat down with six industry professionals to discuss how we can achieve these goals while advancing profitability.... read more

Ending the DE&I Debate: Critical Focus Areas for Equipment Finance

Diversity, equity and inclusion have become politicized. How do we address injustices while maintaining a commitment to fairness? Eric McGriff outlines nine critical focus areas for equipment finance.... read more

Lytle Brings a New Perspective to Equipment Finance

As the first woman to lead the ELFA, Leigh Lytle brings a new voice and outlook to the industry. In an interview with Monitor, she identifies seven opportunities and challenges the equipment finance industry faces today and outlines the association’s goals to address them. ... read more

New Sprouts Appearing from Deep Roots

When the equipment leasing industry was created, leasing was the go-to product. But as time went on, the industry morphed into a subset of secured lending. Paul Bent explores the cycles of the industry and says as market conditions shift, the old roots of yesteryear may be giving rise to a new generation of lessors.... read more

A Conscious Conversation About Unconscious Bias in Equipment Finance Tech

Unconscious bias is widely pervasive, including within the technology we use. Identifying and eliminating unconscious bias in artificial intelligence, data sets and other technology applications in the equipment finance industry is an evolving conversation. Keelie Fitzgerald of Odessa and Lisa Nowak of Solifi discuss unconscious bias as it relates to equipment finance technology and offer ways to reduce or eliminate it.... read more

Choices, Changes & Challenges: What Technology Taught Us in 2020

Strenuous circumstances provoke necessary adaptation to ensure survival and success. The COVID-19 pandemic presented unique obstacles for the equipment finance industry, which was an industry already in the midst of change. Leaders from four financial technology companies share how, in 2020, technology became paramount to the path forward.... read more

A Tale of Two Vendor Channels

This year’s ranking of the Monitor’s top 40 players in the vendor channel illustrates an almost even split in performance, with 19 respondents reporting net gains and 21 posting declines. With collective vendor channel originations of $39,958.8 million, the group performed better than many anticipated this time last year with a net decline of 3.2%.... read more

Can Independents and Banks Compete For Business with a Consumption Model?

The drive toward consumption or pay-for-use models in equipment finance is well underway and to keep up, independent and bank lenders need to determine how to fit such offerings into their arsenals. Dexter Van Dango explores just how realistic such an endeavor can be. ... read more

Ego Aside: The Only Way to Pursue Succession Planning

As the equipment finance industry’s long-time leaders retire, it’s vital to have a solid succession plan in place. Paul Menzel shares five important steps involved in this process and encourages current leaders to mentor the leadership teams of tomorrow while stepping aside to provide ample opportunities for them to develop skills and learn from mistakes. ... read more

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