2017 was an impressive and successful year for the equipment financing industry, with a 4% YTD increase in new business volume and a projected 4.3% expansion in equipment and software investment in Q4/17. As 2017 comes to a close, it’s... read more
December 2017
Are you old school or new school? I’m not talking about whether you prefer the Commodore 64 or the Sony PlayStation 4. I’m talking about the philosophy and approach you employ to finance equipment deals. Old school methods evolved from... read more
How do you know when a company has a successful sales strategy? Short answer: when success is all about sales execution. Long answer: when the company’s products and services are easy to sell, easy to buy and easy to justify.... read more
March 2016
When I was a kid, people smoked on airplanes. When I was in college and flying to Europe on a regular basis to visit my girlfriend, now wife, airlines began introducing “non-smoking” flights. It was an awkward transition. But today... read more
December 2015
Five years ago I was introduced to the equipment financing industry. Having implemented enterprise-wide automation solutions for large financial services companies, I was surprised that the industry is vastly manual. After studying the industry, and talking to lots of business... read more
September 2015