Amembal’s “Winning With Leasing” Seminar Attracts 48 Industry Professionals

Sudhir Amembal, CEO of Amembal & Halladay and affiliate of Rinaldi Advisory Services, hosted his fourth “Winning With Leasing” virtual seminar on Sept. 17. The webinar was attended by 48 equipment finance professionals with experience ranging from less than one year in the industry to seasoned professionals with over 30 years of experience. All industry segments (banks, independents, captives and service providers) were represented.

The seminar is an extract from Amembal’s live flagship seminar attended by over 35,000 equipment leasing professionals worldwide. The material focused on the substantial benefits of leasing (35 in all).

“The feedback I received after the seminar was heartening,” Amembal said. “Those who completed the feedback survey indicated that the seminar was of substantial benefit. I am grateful to be able to offer the type of lease training which leads to career enrichment and advancement.”

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