Customers Bancorp Names COO, Promotes Three

Customers Bancorp has approved the additional title of Customers Bank Chief Executive Officer for President Richard A. Ehst and announced the recruitment of Sam Sidhu, currently CEO of Megalith Capital Management, a New York City-based private equity firm, as its vice chairman and chief operating officer, as well as head of Corporate Development.

Prior to launching Megalith Capital Management, a real estate focused private equity firm in New York, Sidhu worked at Providence Equity Partners and Goldman Sachs for five years. He has also served on the board of Customers Bank for the past eight years and is the CEO of Megalith Financial, a NYSE-listed financial technology-based special purpose acquisition company. Both Megalith Capital Management and Megalith Financial are expected to wind down completely sometime in 2020.

“Sam brings great leadership, and the kind of experience in strategy, technology, fintech, real estate and finance you need in today’s rapidly evolving new environment for banks,” said Ehst.

Customers also promoted Jim Collins to senior executive vice president and chief administrative officer. Collins has been an executive of Customers Bank for about 10 years, after working at Sovereign Bank for over a decade.

“Our board of directors and top management have been very focused over the past few months on a core strategy for the future, with increased emphasis on talent acquisition, development and retention that is very critical for superior execution,” stated Jay Sidhu, Customers Bancorp Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

Andrew Bowman has been promoted to executive vice president and chief credit officer. Bowman has been with Customers Bank for more than eight years and brings more than 30 years of strong bank and commercial finance credit experience to his new position.

“We are thrilled with the quality and experience of our management team and its commitment to executing our vision for 2025 and beyond,” stated Dan Rothermel, Customers Bancorp’s lead independent director and chairman of its Nominating and Corporate Governance and Directors Risk Committees.

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