Dext Capital Achieves 52% Growth in Originations in 2021

In 2021, Dext Capital achieved 52% growth in originations, nearly doubled its customer base, closed more than 10 new vendor relationships and completed a second securitization that achieved a rating of AAA.

Dext Capital also launched DART (Dext Access Real Time) with patent pending technology. DART provides a way for businesses to apply and be auto-decisioned for new loans and to gain access to their Dext accounts. Additionally, Dext Capital introduced a new working capital product, welcomed a new specialty health and wellness division and implemented several technology advancements.

To support its growth, Dext Capital also added more than 20 employees and upgraded to a new and larger office space last year.

“2021 was a banner year for Dext, with many major milestones achieved. I’m proud and super thankful for our partners, our customers and the Dexters who serve as the catalyst for our continued growth and success as a leading independent finance company,” Kyin Lok, CEO of Dext Capital, said.

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