Fleet Advantage Exhibits at Women in Trucking Conference in Dallas

Fleet Advantage is exhibiting at booth No. 702 at the Women in Trucking Accelerate! Conference and Expo in Dallas that began on Nov. 7 and will continue through Nov. 9. Attendees can stop by the booth and receive a complementary fleet analysis.

Don Davis, senior vice president of national accounts at Fleet Advantage, will be leading interactive roundtable discussions on Nov. 8 and Nov. 9 discussing the biggest challenges the trucking industry is facing and how to overcome them by collaborating with various roles within transportation. Davis has more than 27 years of industry experience and has had the opportunity to learn from and help multiple clients’ operations.

For more than a decade, the Women in Trucking Association has been focused on the mission of encouraging employment, addressing obstacles and celebrating success for women in the trucking industry. According to Fleet Advantage, 44% of its staff members are women.

“Fleet Advantage believes that it is important for women to mentor other women, provide opportunities and lift each other up,” Katerina Jones, vice president of marketing and business development at Fleet Advantage, said. “We also believe that the professional direction women receive from other women is essential. Outside of talent and hard work, sometimes women need support from others to champion their ideas and goals, which studies continue to show may not always receive the same amount of direction and prioritization as those of their male colleagues.”

A staunch advocate of helping women in the transportation industry herself, Jones has more than 17 years of experience. She is seen as a leader and mentor for other women in the transportation industry, bringing attention to their strengths in a predominately male-led field.

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