LeaseAccelerator Reveals Eight Week Implementation Guarantee

LeaseAccelerator introduced LeaseAccelerator Guarantee, which aims to help customers achieve rapid lease accounting compliance through automation by guaranteeing that customers can see success in just eight weeks or the professional services are free.

The LeaseAccelerator Guarantee has two components.The first is LeaseAccelerator’s FastTrack implementation methodology, which can accelerate a customer’s time to achieve accounting compliance by using a standardized, ready-to-use system configuration. Customers can upload their company master data and their lease portfolio using LeaseAccelerator’s standard import templates and start using accounting and compliance reports in eight weeks. Secondly, through this new initiative, LeaseAccelerator also guarantees that any accounting expert can be trained in the LeaseAccelerator Lease Lifecycle Automation platform in two weeks.

“With over a decade of experience implementing Lease Lifecycle Automation solutions for over 250 customers in the Fortune 500, we have defined the formula that ensures rapid customer success — and that is what our customers get with FastTrack,” Michael Keeler, CEO of LeaseAccelerator, said. “And now, faced with a challenging year that has many organizations facing economic uncertainty, the LeaseAccelerator Guarantee removes risk around lease accounting compliance and automation.”

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