Monitor has added custom research reports to its Suite offering, designed to help companies think bigger, move faster, push harder and build better business cases.
The reports, exclusive to companies with a team package under Suite, are designed to help leaders shift from making critical business decisions based solely on instinct and intuition to making those decisions based on clear-cut data and customers’ voices. The reports will supply leaders with the information and guidance needed to anticipate demand, operate more efficiently and grow long-term.
Companies with Monitor Suite team packages may request one custom research report per year at an incrementally discounted rate, depending upon the package level. Engagements may include topics like:
For as little as $100 per person, Suite offers the following team package levels:
A Suite subscription offers companies exclusive data and “how-to” guidance on data usage, early access to Monitor reports, executive insights and much more, including:
For more information about Suite, team packages and custom research reports, follow this link:
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