Parker Hudson Names Proctor and Gunter Partners

Parker, Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs named commercial finance attorney Sarah E. Proctor and litigation attorney Justin P. Gunter partners on Jan. 1.

“We are delighted to welcome Sarah and Justin to the partnership at Parker Hudson. We look forward to the continued contributions they will make to the success of our clients and our firm,” Harrison Roberts, managing partner of Parker Hudson, said.

Proctor works with healthcare lenders, banks and other financial institutions and companies to complete a wide variety of secured lending transactions, including lender and borrower side representations in syndicated and bilateral credit facilities, first lien and second lien credit facilities, cash flow and asset-based loans, and mezzanine financing transactions. She has experience in healthcare finance, sponsor-led transactions, acquisition finance and cross-border deals. In 2019, Proctor received the East Carolina University “40 Under 40” Leadership Award.

“Sarah has consistently demonstrated her ability to effectively negotiate complex deals, especially for the firm’s healthcare lender clients. We are confident that she will continue to excel as a leader within both the healthcare lending space and other sophisticated lending transactions,” Bobbi Acord Noland, commercial finance practice group leader at Parker Hudson, said.

Gunter represents clients in a range of complex litigation matters, including securities litigation, anti-trust litigation, insurance coverage litigation and arbitration proceedings. Gunter was recognized by The Best Lawyers in America: Ones to Watch for the Commercial Litigation and Criminal Defense White Collar practice areas.

“Justin is a highly skilled and strategic litigation attorney, and his track record of successfully representing clients in complex matters, combined with his ability to proactively protect and advance his clients’ interests, makes him a valuable asset to the firm,” William J. Holley, litigation practice group leader at Parker Hudson, said.

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