Bob Rinaldi, president of Rinaldi Advisory Services, released an exclusive video interview with geopolitical expert Peter Zeihan, who discussed the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine and its economic impact over the next three years on capital equipment spending and select industry sectors of importance to the equipment leasing and finance industry. The interview can be viewed on Rinaldi’s Leasing Avenues blog.
Zeihan is the author of the bestsellers “Accidental Superpower,” “Disunited Nations” and “Absent Superpower.”
Rinaldi Advisory Services provides advisory services to independent lessors, financial institutions, industry service providers, manufacturers and international firms entering the U.S. equipment finance marketplace. Primary services include new business development and confidential advisory services to principals and CEOs.
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One Reply to “Rinaldi Interviews Zeihan About COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout, Impact on Equipment Spending”
The guest states “when Trump said “”Mexicans are rapists”.” Could someone please direct me to where I can find that said or written by Trump. I’ve seen many videos where his comments are edited for the story, but have yet to see a video or writing where Trump says “Mexicans are rapists.”