During the next two months, Ritchie Bros., will hold a large number of live auctions and online marketplaces, projecting the sale of more than 8,000 farm-related equipment items and trucks.
In June and July alone, Ritchie Bros. will conduct more than 65 agricultural auctions, including on-the-farm retirement dispersals; site sales in Saskatoon, SK; Regina, SK; North Battleford, SK and Lethbridge, AB; as well as a pre-harvest IronPlanet online auction on June 27. Equipment highlights include 750 agricultural tractors, 225 combines, 200 cultivators, 200 headers, 125 swathers, 80 discs and 70 harrows.
“We have items for all types and sizes of farms, available to purchase when, where and how you want, whether onsite or online,” said Jordan Clarke, sales director for Ritchie Bros. “We are so excited to add a special IronPlanet online ag event to the calendar this year, on June 27. Plus, this summer we have decided to make our Saskatoon site auction one big summer event in mid-July, instead of two separate auctions in June and August. I encourage interested bidders to come out to, or participate online in, one of our many ag auctions this summer.”
Featured auctions:
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