Sea-Logix Picks Ryder Full Service Lease and Mobile Maintenance

Sea-Logix selected Ryder as its full service lease and mobile maintenance provider for a fleet of 56 Volvo tandem axle tractors.

Under the FSL agreement, Ryder will acquire vehicles according to Sea-Logix’s specifications, provide maintenance and fleet support services and manages vehicle disposal. Under the mobile maintenance agreement, Ryder will perform maintenance at Sea-Logix’s Port of Long Beach and Port of Oakland locations.

“We needed people who were up to date with the latest breakthroughs in technology to maintain our tractors,” said Jacob Dailey, operations manager for Sea-Logix. “It’s gone from knowing how to work a wrench, to understanding the comprehensive brain of a tractor, and Ryder’s technicians are able to do just that.”

The Volvo trucks in Sea-Logix’s fleet come equipped with a new state-of-the-art I-Shift transmission and some of the latest environmental features, including greenhouse gas complete vehicle certification and greenhouse gas highway application.

“Ryder is thrilled to partner with Sea-Logix,” said Dennis Cooke, president of Global Fleet Management Solutions for Ryder. “It is our job to help ensure that their shipments make it to the end customer on-time, every time, and we look forward to meeting those expectations by providing them with the best customer service and technicians in the industry.”

Sea-Logix offers trucking and warehousing services in the major West Coast shipping hubs of Los Angeles and Oakland, CA. The company is a shipper of containerized freight between the mainland U.S. and Hawaii.

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