According to a survey performed by Prime Advantage, a buying consortium for mid-sized manufacturers, U.S. industrial manufacturing companies show continued optimism about revenues and employment, despite concerns about rising costs and a lack of qualified workers.
Summary of findings:
Revenues and capital spending remain strong for the rest of 2014:
Forty-nine percent of small and midsize manufacturers anticipate revenues will increase in the second half of 2014, an increase from the 42% that predicted a revenue increase in the last half of 2013. Just two percent believe they may be looking at a decrease in revenue up to 10%. Survey respondents indicate that improved customer demand (63%) will fuel this expected revenue increase.
Once again, capital expenditures appear to be on solid ground for the last half of 2014 among these small and mid-sized U.S. manufacturers, with 42% predicting an increase from H1 2014 spending (a significant increase over the 30% of companies that planned to increase in capital expenditures over the final six months of 2013).
To view the full Prime Advantage news release, click here.
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