TriState Capital Bank hired Mark Conner as Community Reinvestment Act officer. In this role, Conner is responsible for developing, implementing and administering all aspects of the bank’s commitment to the Community Reinvestment Act.
“Meeting the credit needs of the communities where TriState Capital has regional offices is one of our top priorities,” Mel Washington, chief audit officer of TriState, said. “We’re pleased that Mark will spearhead this commitment in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Cleveland, New York City and northern New Jersey.”
Conner has 17 years of economic and community development experience and joins TriState Capital after most recently working at InnovatePGH as economic opportunity manager.
“Mark’s experience will help us continue to support our local neighbors and charitable organizations,” Karla Villatoro de Friedman, chief administrative officer of TriState, said. “He’ll be a key person in delivering TriState Capital products and services as the bank promotes economic development and financial inclusion in underserved communities.”
“TriState Capital’s continued commitment to supporting our communities is strengthened by adding Mark’s expertise,” Brian Fetterolf, president and CEO of TriState Capital Bank, said. “As chairperson of the CRA committee, Mark will have the vision, as well as the resources of the bank, to help serve the credit and service needs of our qualified clients as well as ensure alignment with our obligations under the Community Reinvestment Act.”
Conner holds a bachelor of arts in business management from Geneva College as well as an MBA from West Liberty University.
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