U.S. Bank Launches Mobile Payment App for General Aviation

Last week, U.S. Bank went live with MSA Pay, a mobile payment app for the general aviation space which is designed for ordering, payment and back office needs of pilots.

With MSA Pay, pilots can notify a Fixed Base Operator (FBO) of their arrival details, special needs and service requests prior to landing. The FBO performs the requested services, notifies the pilot when the plane is ready and sends the pilot an invoice to review and approve. Once approved, the app automatically emails a copy of the invoice to the pilot and to the pilot’s back office for final payment processing.

“Electronic invoicing via mobile device frees pilots to focus on clients rather than paper work,” said John Hardin, general manager of global transportation at U.S. Bank. “The ‘quick turns’ so vital to a pilot’s schedule become even quicker with MSA Pay. It’s a giant step forward for business aviation efficiency.”

The MSA Pay app provides both an automated reservation confirmation and the option for FBOs to add a personalized note for pilots before they arrive. The app can also be used for flight planning and scheduling.

Pilots and their support teams can use MSA Pay to select destination FBOs; make, confirm, modify and cancel reservations; create pilot profiles and review, approve, reject and pay invoices.

“MSA Pay brings convenience and payment security to pilots, their finance officers and the service providers on the ground,” said Dominic Venturo, chief innovation officer at U.S. Bank. “We understand their needs and have combined our experience in mobile and corporate payments to deliver a service to the aviation industry that was built with their needs in mind.”

The app is now available through the App Store on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It will be available through Google Play in early 2016.

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