According to International Data Corporation, spending on compute and storage infrastructure products for cloud infrastructure, including dedicated and shared environments, decreased 2.4% year over year in Q2/21 to $16.8 billion. read more
OCT 8, 2021 - 5:33 am
Let’s face it, to the uninitiated, conversations about technology can sometimes sound like a long string of buzzwords. But understanding certain terms and implementing them will be vital to the continued success of equipment finance. With the help of our guest editors and several service providers, Monitor assembled a primer of essential technology terms. ... read more
Vol. 48 No. 1 2021
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council issued a statement to address the use of cloud computing services and security risk management principles in the financial services sector. read more
MAY 1, 2020 - 6:30 am
In a time of exponential growth and emergence of cloud based solutions, it is hard not to wonder why some financial institutions haven’t been quick to adapt to the paradigm shift. Previously, the cost of enterprise software was exorbitantly high... read more
July 2016