2023 Monitor Top Women in Equipment Finance: Linda Kester, Jupiter Equipment Finance

Linda Kester, Senior Vice President, Sales, Jupiter Equipment Finance — NEFA, AACFB, ELFA

With a career spanning 35 years in the equipment finance industry, Linda Kester is a seasoned veteran renowned as a visionary leader and mentor. Her wealth of sales experience, dedication to professional development and authorship have solidified her place as a respected figure within the industry.

Kester’s standout attribute lies in her unwavering commitment to coaching and training. Recognizing the value of nurturing talent and sharing knowledge, she has honed her sales, negotiation and customer relations skills to empower others to achieve their own success. Over the years, her one-to-one coaching, sales development programs and infectious optimism have left an indelible mark on countless sales professionals, inspiring them to set and attain their personal and professional goals.

In 2007, Kester’s dedication to training and development led her to author 366 Marketing Tips for Equipment Leasing, a comprehensive guide that offers practical insights and strategies to enhance marketing efforts and fortify vendor and end-user relationships for equipment finance professionals.

Throughout her career, Kester’s proactive approach has allowed her to anticipate industry trends and navigate its ever-changing landscape. Her strategic acumen has enabled her to adapt to shifting market conditions, expand her role with direct funding sources and, most recently, assume the role of senior vice president of sales at Jupiter Equipment Finance. In this capacity, she has played a pivotal role in propelling the company to achieve yearly double-digit volume increases, integrating marketing automation and sales enablement initiatives and fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration and excellence.

Undergoing a recent rebranding from Jupiter Financial, Jupiter Equipment Finance has concentrated its efforts on the equipment finance sector. Jupiter’s mission revolves around providing every business access to equipment financing, a goal that Kester ardently champions.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Kester is deeply committed to community engagement. She actively participates in industry associations and charitable initiatives, encouraging individuals to unlock their full potential. Her most cherished achievements stem from nurturing her team, and she takes immense pride in creating a corporate culture where everyone feels valued and empowered.

“Linda Kester trained me when I started in the industry after college in 2019. I was with another equipment finance company at the time, and within a year, I was a top-performing salesperson,” T. Flynn, senior account manager at Jupiter Equipment Finance, says. “She taught me prospecting skills, the intricacies of closing a deal effectively and how to book transactions with honesty and integrity. Due to Linda’s guidance, I am currently at Jupiter Equipment Finance, achieving the financial success I thought I could only dream of. Working with Linda is like having your mom and Tony Robbins in your back pocket. She makes you feel like you could conquer the world. I am so grateful to be on her team.”

Kester is a leader who expects as much from herself as she does her team, and who strives to excel through every challenge presented to her. Kester’s enduring impact on the equipment finance industry is a testament to her expertise, commitment and passion for empowering others to reach their full potential.

“Embrace every challenge as an opportunity to grow and every setback as a chance to prove your resilience. Your knowledge and determination will be your greatest assets. Be bold, a great listener, believe in your abilities and shatter any glass ceilings. You’ve got this.”