How Open Dialogue and Intentionality Lead to Success in DE&I

Though legal and political pressures began to weigh heavily on diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) earlier this year, equipment finance industry executives remain dedicated and resilient, with an air of optimism for further advancement so long as the hard work continues.... read more

Depoliticizing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

There’s a true split in diversity, equity and inclusion in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn affirmative action last summer. While some companies are cracking under the pressure of subsequent legal threats, others are taking strong stands to continuously advocate for DE&I.... read more

Five Steps to Adopt and Maintain Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Monitor’s Best Companies in the DE&I category share examples of how establishing a companywide definition of diversity, equity and inclusion and maintaining best practices that truly matter to and benefit their employees and communities have led to organizational success.... read more

Ending the DE&I Debate: Critical Focus Areas for Equipment Finance

Diversity, equity and inclusion have become politicized. How do we address injustices while maintaining a commitment to fairness? Eric McGriff outlines nine critical focus areas for equipment finance.... read more

Attracting A More Diverse Talent Pool

Members of Gen Z are quickly beginning to enter the workforce and, like millennials, they are gravitating to companies that prioritize diversity, innovation and collaboration. Organizations in the transportation, logistics and equipment finance sectors, where an emphasis on equal opportunities is on the rise, should begin to develop strategies that will assist in overcoming challenges in attracting a more diverse talent pool.... read more

Age is Nothing But a Number: Communication is Key

Baby boomers, millennials and Gen Z have varying opinions about what it takes to create a melting pot of generational workstyles. Vanessa Roberts, customer success coach at Leasepath, and Bill Stephenson, CEO of PEAC Solutions, share their thoughts on the matter with Monitor.... read more

Doing the Work – DE&I: It All Starts with Leadership

Diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the equipment finance industry have grown recently. Christopher Johnson, senior vice president and president of financial services at Pitney Bowes, and Michael Baez, vice president for professional services and customer strategy at Leasepath, spoke with Monitor about the importance of leadership in advancing these efforts. ... read more

4th Annual Women in Equipment Finance

Monitor profiles 50 powerful women in the equipment finance industry in the fourth annual Women in Equipment Finance list... read more

Mentoring and Sponsorship Are Essential to Creating a Diverse Leadership Team

What can companies do to ensure a path to leadership is open and welcoming to employees from underrepresented backgrounds? David Miles from Eastern Funding sits down with Monitor to share his experience. He says having a DE&I committee is not enough and believes mentoring and supporting employees, especially those from historically disadvantaged demographics, is not only economically feasible, but wholly overdue in corporate America.... read more

DE&I Belongs to Everyone

As the focus on diversity, equity and inclusion rises rapidly, Melba Hughes, executive director and national in-house diversity practice leader at Major, Lindsey & Africa, shares steps leaders can take to advance their DE&I initiatives.... read more

Get Real: What DE&I Work Actually Requires

Diversity, equity and inclusion has become a well-known phrase, but not everyone knows exactly what DE&I work entails. With societal norms continuing to evolve and the demand for acceptance growing, Dr. Arin N. Reeves, managing director and president of Nextions, spoke with Monitor about the ways DE&I can shift an industry.... read more

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