Andrew Glaab, Cohn & Dussi – 2023 NextGen 40 Under 40 List

Andrew Glaab, Associate, Cohn & Dussi

As head of the in-house collections group at Cohn & Dussi in Boston, Andrew Glaab practices business and corporate law with a concentration on commercial collections, judgment enforcement, replevins, asset location and recovery, loan restructuring and workouts, creditors’ bankruptcy and contract drafting. Overseeing training and compliance, Glaab encourages teamwork to ensure the firm delivers clients top-notch customer care. Recently, Glaab graduated from the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Leadership Academy, where he served on a panel to educate young lawyers about best practices for client management.

Just as Glaab works hard, he also plays hard and enjoys a host of outdoor activities including fishing, boating, working out and golf. “While I am often behind a desk or traveling for work, I take every opportunity I can to get outside. It is science that movement is medicine,” Glaab says. “Exercise and movement help you sleep better at night, clear your mind and reduce stress levels associated with work. The work we do can be a 24/7 grind, so it is imperative for me to carve out some outdoor time.”

Glaab believes that the proper work-life balance is not only achievable, but required for long-term success in the equipment finance industry. To avoid most stress-related issues, like burnout, Glaab says setting boundaries is the way to go.

“When you are taking time off, let your partners, customers and clients know you will be out and whom to contact in your absence,” Glaab says. “While technology has certainly changed working traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. hours, setting boundaries can eliminate some of the urge to always respond instantly. Taking uninterrupted time off recharges your batteries and allows you to come back at 100% to get the deals done.”