Three Examples of Creative Financing Solutions by Commercial Finance Brokers for Small Businesses

Here are three examples of creative deals completed by commercial finance brokers for smaller companies, showcasing how brokers can provide vital solutions as traditional banking becomes more conservative:

Example 1: Equipment Finance for a Growing Manufacturer

Scenario: A small manufacturing company needed new machinery to increase production capacity but had limited access to traditional bank loans due to stringent credit requirements.


  • Lease Financing: The broker arranged a lease financing deal, allowing the company to acquire the machinery without a large upfront payment. This deal included flexible terms, such as lower monthly payments and a buyout option at the end of the lease.
  • Result: The manufacturer could immediately increase production, meet rising demand, and grow revenue, ultimately leading to improved financial stability and the ability to buy the equipment outright after the lease period.

Example 2: Working Capital for a Seasonal Retail Business

Scenario: A small retail business experienced significant seasonal fluctuation, causing cash flow issues during off-peak seasons. Due to the inconsistent cash flow, traditional banks were unwilling to provide a working capital loan.


  • Invoice Factoring: The broker arranged an invoice factoring deal, where the retailer could sell its accounts receivable at a discount to a factoring company. This provided immediate cash flow based on outstanding invoices.
  • Flexible Line of Credit: The broker also secured a flexible line of credit, allowing the business to draw funds as needed during off-peak seasons and repay during peak seasons.
  • Result: The retailer maintained smooth operations year-round, met financial obligations, and could invest in marketing and inventory to boost sales during peak seasons.

Example 3: Commercial Real Estate Finance for an Expanding Restaurant Chain

Scenario: A small but rapidly growing restaurant chain needed to acquire new locations to expand but faced difficulties obtaining traditional commercial real estate loans due to limited collateral and the high risk perceived by banks.


  • SBA 504 Loan: The broker structured an SBA 504 loan, which provides long-term, fixed-rate financing for major fixed assets like real estate. This loan was partially guaranteed by the Small Business Administration (SBA), reducing the lender’s risk.
  • Combination Financing: To cover the down payment, the broker arranged a blend of a microloan and a short-term bridge loan, ensuring the restaurant chain had sufficient funds to complete the purchase without cash flow interruptions.
  • Result: The restaurant chain successfully acquired new locations, expanded its footprint, increased revenue, and strengthened its market position.

These examples demonstrate how commercial finance brokers can creatively structure deals to address the unique needs of smaller companies, providing them with critical access to equipment finance, working capital, and commercial real estate solutions when traditional banks may be hesitant to lend.

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