This is the third of a six-part series on how the proposed lease accounting rules will impact six major market segments in the leasing industry. This segment will focus on municipal/not-for-profit business. IT/office equipment and vehicles were covered previously (see update to those articles below). Future segments will cover construction/material handling, large ticket and medical. The articles will cover lessee and lessor impacts.... read more
May/June 2011
As things continue to heat up on the lease accounting front, Bill Bosco is here to remind leasing industry stakeholders to take an active role in having their collective voices heard by the accounting boards. Having received a flood of negative input to the recent Exposure Draft makes a difference … and with an April deadline looming, time is of the essence.... read more
March/April 2011
This is the first of a six-part series on how the proposed lease accounting rules will impact six major market segments in the leasing industry. This segment will focus on computers, IT, copiers and other office equipment. Future segments will cover vehicles, construction/materials handling, large-ticket transportation, medical and municipal leases. The special series will address both lessee and lessor impacts.... read more
January/February 2011
With an exposure draft expected this summer, lease accounting changes brought about by FASB and IASB convergence that once seemed distant are now becoming more and more real. It is therefore prudent for leasing companies to prepare for the expected impact to their policies, processes and software systems. At a minimum, lease management systems must be reviewed, modified and tested for compliance.... read more
July/August 2010
Changes to the lessor accounting rules are imminent, although their full extent is not yet known. What is certain, however, indicates that lessors will have to adjust their operations, processes and reporting to one degree or another. Shawn Halladay asks: “Will you be ready?”... read more
June 2010
Bill Bosco returns to remind equipment leasing professionals to submit comments to the FASB/IASB Lease Accounting discussion paper, Leases: Preliminary Views. After all, much is at stake and in this game as in all others — you gotta play to win!... read more
May/June 2009
With a target completion date of 2011, the Lease Accounting Project is an epic in the making. We asked Bill Bosco to give us the details of what’s happening and where it’s all headed. The writer provides a summary and offers his commentary, which readers will find in italicized text.... read more
October 2008
In mid-2006, the FASB and IASB placed an emphasis on re-writing the current lease accounting rules. While no one can predict the full impact on the leasing industry, the project is certain to take a long time due to the complexity of the various issues. Since the project is in full swing, the Monitor asked Bill Bosco to provide our readers with an update.... read more
May/June 2007