Michael Mousdale, Alfa – 2023 NextGen 40 Under 40 List

Michael Mousdale, U.S. Market Lead, Alfa

Michael Mousdale believes there are three core conditions for success. The U.S. market lead for Alfa says the first is to be given the opportunity to take the initiative and drive ideas forward. The second is to surround yourself with excellent talent who can help implement those ideas but who also have their own ideas that you can support as a leader. The third is to have a healthy work-life balance. “I find that I am fresher, happier and more resilient to setbacks when I get that balance right,” Mousdale says.

With a superpower of reliability, Mousdale says that many leaders often think of a reliable employee as somebody who shows up, but he thinks it is deeper than that when considering leadership. Mousdale believes reliability is about handling different contexts and opportunities, often at the same time, while adding value to each. The value doesn’t always have to be a landmark or novel idea — it could be something simple — but Mousdale holds himself accountable for adding value in each scenario in which he finds himself. He also pushes himself to add value in multiple contexts.

Mousdale feels lucky to be spread across a couple roles at his company. As part of the markets and products team, he informs product direction based on feedback and trends gleaned from customers and the wider market. As a practitioner that manages one of the company’s largest U.S. equipment implementations, Mousdale has experience implementing Alfa across organizations of all shapes and sizes.

“I think this confluence of roles makes me unique. I’m able to provide client context in product direction, keep my eyes and ears open for opportunities and use both data points to drive overall strategy,” Mousdale says.