Equipment Finance Cares will hold an event in California on Nov. 16 from 1:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT at Blue Street Capital’s headquarters in Huntington Beach, CA. The program will conclude with a two-hour networking event. “Equipment Finance Cares is excited to come back to the leasing hotbed of Southern California,” Jesse Johnson, founder of Equipment Finance Cares, said. “We are grateful to Blue Street Capital for hosting and also to our sponsors for making these events possible.”
Hilary Bilbrey will speak at the event and will provide a two-hour workshop on the DH Effect, – “Connecting for Positive Change.” Bilbrey and Sonja Montiel, The DH Effect cofounder, believe that the world is not changed by personal opinion, that it is changed by personal example.
This program will help attendees connect with their “why” and then spend time crafting it into a story to share. “In order to trust you, people have to know you and connect with who you are – the real, raw, vulnerable you,” Bilbrey said. “Trust is at the core of belonging and belonging is what draws people to companies, keeps them there, and helps to elevate business and world experiences to new heights.”
The program will conclude with a two-hour networking event.
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