FASB Names Rotherham to Small Business Advisory Committee

The Financial Accounting Standards Board appointed James Rotherham to its small business advisory committee (SBAC). Rotherham is an audit partner with Baker Tilly in San Diego.

The SBAC serves as a standing resource for the FASB. Its role is to provide focused input and feedback from a small public company perspective, consider whether there are differences in perspectives for small public versus private companies, and assist the FASB and its staff on matters for which the FASB may seek guidance.

“James Rotherham brings to his role with the SBAC more than 30 years of experience in accounting and finance working with smaller and medium-sized businesses,” Richard R. Jones, chair of the FASB, said. “On behalf of the FASB, I am pleased to welcome him to the committee and look forward to his contributions to SBAC discussions aimed at continuing to help the FASB understand financial reporting issues faced by small public companies.”

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