LEAF Hosts Financial Services Career Day for Charter School

LEAF Commercial Capital said it, in conjunction with Operation Hope, hosted a financial services career day for students of the Olney Charter School. The half-day event was held at LEAF’s corporate offices in Center City, Philadelphia, where 25 students received an inside perspective on a career in the financial services industry along with breakfast and lunch with key LEAF employees.

The curriculum for the program, developed specifically for the event by senior LEAF stakeholders, was intended to accomplish several major goals. According to Michelle Speranza, vice president, Marketing and Communication at LEAF, the company wanted to present a top-down view to the students, starting at a high level and then drilling down to industry-specific details.

“We wanted this to be a very positive learning experience for the students,” said Speranza. “Our goal was to give them good information that they could put to practical use in finding a job and launching a career, regardless of what industry they ultimately end up in.”

The Olney students were first given a glimpse of a day in the life of Corporate America, followed by an overview of the financial services industry. From there, they learned about the inner workings of a top equipment leasing and finance company with presentations from several internal departments at LEAF. The final phase of the program included hands-on, practical information such as interviewing skills that could be actually used in a job search.

“For students who found the financial services industry appealing, we discussed the educational requirements that a company like LEAF would typically look for,” said Speranza. “But again, our real objective here was quite simple—we want to help these students to evaluate the many options and opportunities that ultimately lead to a good job and a productive, fulfilling career that they can be proud of.”

Conceived in 1992, Operation HOPE is America’s first not-for-profit social investment banking and financial literacy empowerment organization. The organization is currently in partnership with more than 400 private sector companies.

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