LeasePlan is launching LeasePlan Direct, an online tool that connects LeasePlan with dealerships across the country. This investment in technology was made in order to allow for more accurate and timely information during courtesy delivery.
“LeasePlan Direct is one more way to create efficiency in our delivery process, as we continue our focus on end-to-end service delivery for our clients,” said Sheri Maple, LeasePlan vice president of operations in Atlanta.
LeasePlan Direct also features better control over courtesy delivery payments and provides clients further insight into costs associated with new vehicle delivery.
“Our goal is to add another layer of communication with dealerships,” said Elizabeth Kelly, director of vehicle acquisition. “More, improved data at the dealer’s fingertips will make new-vehicle deliveries easier.”
LeasePlan is a global fleet management and driver mobility company whose offerings consist of financing and operational fleet management services.
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