Sonsray, a CASE construction and agriculture equipment dealership on the West Coast, partnered with Quipli to deliver online renting capabilities and a Sonsray mobile app for its end customers.
“Our goal is to make Sonsray Rentals easier to do business with, so I am thrilled to leverage Quipli’s technology in leading Sonsray into a tech-oriented future,” Matt Moses, vice president of Sonsray Rentals, said.
Renters can now see pricing, agree to rental policies and pay for rentals directly on the Sonsray website or through the Sonsray mobile app.
“Quipli is very happy to be partnering with such an innovative rental group like Sonsray, who continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible for their customers,” Kyle Clements, founder and CEO of Quipli, said.
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