“Equipping The Dream,” a web-based reality show series debuted on deBanked TV last week. The show follows four aspiring equipment finance brokers as they attend a week-long training at the headquarters of Everlasting Capital in Rochester, NH. read more
FEB 24, 2022 - 6:11 am
Everlasting Capital promoted Jason Seal as chief visionary officer. read more
JAN 24, 2020 - 6:55 am
Josh Feinberg and Will Murphy, the founders of Everlasting Capital, launched EquipmentBrokerSchool.com, an online equipment finance and leasing training course. read more
AUG 2, 2019 - 6:35 am
Everlasting Capital appointed Justin Rasch finance manager on its business development team. Rasch will be based out of company’s headquarters in Rochester, NH. read more
APR 18, 2019 - 6:55 am
Dan Marquette has joined Everlasting Capital to develop its growing portfolio of national equipment vendor and direct client accounts. read more
OCT 25, 2016 - 6:46 am