2023 Monitor Top Women in Equipment Finance: René Paradis, Auxilior Capital Partners

René Paradis, President and Chief Operating Officer, Auxilior Capital Partners — CPA

René Paradis likes a challenge. When she reconnected with Steve Grosso, CEO of Auxilior Capital Partners, after working with him almost a decade earlier as chief financial officer and chief administrative officer of Element Financial, she quickly understood and shared the vision for Auxilior – to be an exceptional service-oriented partner to manufacturers and a sales catalyst to help move equipment through the supply chain frictionlessly.

Paradis believes her past positions all lead up to her current role as Auxilior’s president and chief operating officer, where she oversees a range of mission-critical company functions to ensure delivery of the highest levels of service quality, including the development of Auxilior’s technology platform and operational architecture.

One of her secrets to success is flexibility. Paradis is grateful for the opportunities she’s had to work in many different industries. She has taken those experiences and put them together like pieces of a puzzle, allowing her to think about things in a unique way. According to Paradis, her most notable, rewarding and interesting professional accomplishment to date was participating in the sale of CoActiv Capital to Element Financial, which kept the entire team intact and positioned for growth.

Paradis’ colleagues at Auxilior note one of her many positive attributes is that she is no stranger to hard work. She says, “Doing a job and doing it well can be extremely fulfilling.”

“René has made a profound impact since day one at Auxilior,” Grosso says. “As we continue to grow both in terms of client success and headcount, René plays a critical role as company president and COO. She’s a born leader whose work ethic, supreme industry knowledge and tenacity all come together to enable her to execute her vision.”

Paradis works tirelessly with the Auxilior team to bring frictionless financing to its partners, their distribution networks and, ultimately, end-users of equipment. This year was no exception, as Paradis oversaw several agile technology deployments designed to optimize the financing experience for Auxilior’s partners, their distribution channels and customers as well as increasing speed and efficiencies internally.

All of 2023’s successes do not overshadow the pride she displays when talking about the team that’s been built. She considers it her professional mission to mentor younger professionals who are eager to learn the industry and are optimistic about their future. “They’re impressive, and they contribute so positively to the culture here,” Paradis says. She refers to Auxilior’s next group of leaders as bright and energetic young professionals who not only work hard, but enjoy each other’s company outside of the office.

Paradis’ professional legacy is to develop and leave a positive impact on future leaders. Not only is Paradis the executive sponsor for a group of eight associates pursuing their Certified Leasing and Finance Professional designation, but she also mentors associates in the intern program and organization at large. She considers it a reward when people come back to say they attribute successes in their careers to things they’ve learned or ways they’ve grown as a result of their time working together.

Paradis has held seats on numerous non-profit boards. Currently, she is board member and treasurer of the MAGIC Charities Foundation.

“If I could pass on anything from my professional as well as life experiences to younger women, it would be to make sure they know there are no barriers to success or reasons to opt out of an executive level career goal for any reason. You can do it all with a great deal of fulfillment.”