House of Representatives Passes FAA Reauthorization Bill, GAMA Weighs In

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act (H.R. 3935), a Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bill that will provide funding and direction to the agency whose current congressional authorization will expire on Sept. 30.

“The Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act provides a strong foundation to set a positive trajectory for the FAA at a critical time for the agency,” Pete Bunce, president and CEO of the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, said. ““The House FAA reauthorization bill works to provide leadership, stability and direction to the FAA. We are pleased to see that the bill powerfully addresses regulatory process improvements, international engagement and leadership, and support for the emerging advanced air mobility sector. We particularly appreciate the extension and enhancements of critical aviation workforce development programs, which are being expanded to focus on attracting the next generation of manufacturing workforce.

“We are hopeful that momentum and bipartisanship will continue to build for Congress to pass a timely FAA reauthorization bill. GAMA is committed to working with Congress to ensure that the FAA reauthorization bill enhances the agency’s ability to deliver critical activities that promote safety, infrastructure, innovation and competitiveness.”

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