idPac a RFID-AIDC integrative firm, based in St. Louis, has asked the Federal Trade Commission, United States Justice Department and Securities & Exchange Commission to review prior actions of Carl Icahn and American Railcar industries to determine if recent high valued sales of the company are tied to idPac technology.
While Chairman of the Board of American Railcar Icahn commissioned automation priorities that led to the company contacting and hiring idPac.
idPac developed solutions for leaner manufacturing assembly operations but later found its intellectual property appearing in an automation patent filed for by two American Railcar employees, a plant supervisor on site where idPac was working and the acting president of American Railcar at the time Jim Cowan who now holds a similar position with Greenbrier Companies that is now attempting to purchase American Railcar manufacturing operations. idPac alerted federal authorities to the technology grab last year spurring an investigation by Justice Department officials in St. Louis.
idPac now is asking the SEC to determine what part past American Railcar presidents, Icahn and others associated with him close to the company’s recent sales may have played in the sale and ascertaining of American Railcar, especially by two former close Icahn business colleagues former American Railcar President James Unger who is part of the leadership of ITE Management party to the sale of American Railcar last year and Cowan.
Both Unger’s ITE Management and Cowan’s Greenbrier Companies and their closely associated businesses have both been on the purchasing end of American Railcar ascertaining its automated manufacturing technology. At issue are the gains all three may have and/or still be receiving from idPac technology, inflated stock prices of American Railcar and Greenbrier, the cause attributed to their stock’s escalated values and benefits received by being insiders in the know regarding American Railcar’s automation capabilities and challenging questions surrounding it.
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