Odessa Taps Fintech Expert Montgomery to Lead Global Sales as Chief Revenue Officer

Odessa named Nate Montgomery, former BNY Mellon finance sales leader, its chief revenue officer. Montgomery joins Odessa after 20 years at the software company Eagle Investment Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of BNY Mellon, where Montgomery’s experience with investment-management software in the FinTech industry spanned multiple roles, including head of global sales.

“Around the world, we see great and growing opportunities for asset finance tech solutions, and we’re revving up our sales team to capitalize on those opportunities,” Eric Bernstein, CEO of Odessa, said. “Nate Montgomery has proven that he understands finance and fintech, and knows how to motivate a sales team. We can’t wait to introduce our innovative asset-finance technology to new companies and markets.”

“Odessa’s asset finance technology and first-rate customer service have created a tremendous opportunity for expansion,” Montgomery said. “With new offices opening across the globe, wins in key expansion markets and the company staffing up to serve a whole new segment in auto finance, it’s an exciting time to join this fast-moving team.”

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