Ritchie Bros. sold more than C$33 million ($25.92 million) of farmland, real estate and equipment for Hanson Farms in an auction in Torquay, SK, held Jan. 24 to Jan. 25. The two-day online auction, which Ritchie Bros. said was its largest agricultural auction ever, featured 59 parcels totaling more than 9,600 acres of farmland, including a home quarter with a 500,000-bushel capacity grain storage system that sold for C$1.33 million ($1.04 million).
“The results were much higher than we anticipated,” Kirby Hanson, who co-owns Hanson Farms with his wife (Laura), father (Lorne) and mother (Charlene), said. “We didn’t think the land prices would hit that high, but interest from farmers the week of the sale was unreal. We were pretty stressed the night before the auction, but everything went high. Ritchie Bros. runs a top-notch operation, from the day we signed to setting up to sale day, they are the best auction company we have ever dealt with.”
The auction attracted bidders from 30 countries, but more than 97% of the assets were sold to Canadians, including 89% to buyers from Saskatchewan.
“This was the largest agricultural auction in our history, with record prices for both farmland and equipment,” Jordan Clarke, sales director for Ritchie Bros., said. “Farmland prices averaged $416,000 per quarter, which is a new high-water mark for values in the area, while many of the equipment items sold for more than what the consignor acquired them for.
“Everything was sold with our Timed Auction software, which continues to drive unprecedented demand and strong returns for our agricultural customers. Customers can bid from the comfort of their home or office, and we can sell farmland and agricultural assets during the middle of winter in Saskatchewan, giving buyers a head start on seeding season.”
Equipment Highlights
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