SEC Staff to Hold Fintech Forum on DLT & Digital Assets

The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission will host a public forum focusing on distributed ledger technology (DLT) and digital assets on May 31, 2019.

The forum is being organized by the agency’s Strategic Hub for Innovation and Financial Technology (FinHub) and was announced in connection with the launch of FinHub last year.

FinHub is committed to active engagement with market participants on new financial technologies. The forum is the second such forum to be hosted by the agency, will feature panelists from industry and academia and is designed to foster greater communication and understanding around issues involving DLT and digital assets.

Panelists will explore such topics as initial coin offerings, digital asset platforms, DLT innovations and how these technologies impact investors and the markets.

The Fintech Forum will be held at the SEC’s Washington D.C. headquarters and will be both open to the public and webcast live via the SEC’s website.

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