
Not Ready for the Cloud? Why the Leasing Industry Has Been Resistant to Cloud Deployment

Farooq Ghauri

In a time of exponential growth and emergence of cloud based solutions, it is hard not to wonder why some financial institutions haven’t been quick to adapt to the paradigm shift. Previously, the cost of enterprise software was exorbitantly high... read more

Old School vs. New School Equipment Financing: Breaking Down Barriers for Immigrant Business Owners

Vernon Tirey

Are you old school or new school? I’m not talking about whether you prefer the Commodore 64 or the Sony PlayStation 4. I’m talking about the philosophy and approach you employ to finance equipment deals. Old school methods evolved from... read more

Technology Vendor Finance: Past, Present and Future

Doug Andring

The early years of technology vendor finance were quite simple – it started with the basic financing of hard assets like computers, servers and printers. Finance companies quickly gained an understanding of the future value of these hard assets and... read more

Automation Bringing New Norms to Small Ticket Equipment Financing

Vernon Tirey

When I was a kid, people smoked on airplanes. When I was in college and flying to Europe on a regular basis to visit my girlfriend, now wife, airlines began introducing “non-smoking” flights. It was an awkward transition. But today... read more

Investing in Technology Means Savings for Top Fleets

Scott Mishoe

The new and used truck markets have been quite hot over the past few years. Part of the reason was the pent-up demand from fleets that didn’t want to deal with the 2007 and 2010 emissions upgrades. Their fleets got... read more

Equipment Financing is Ripe for Automation

Vernon Tirey

Five years ago I was introduced to the equipment financing industry. Having implemented enterprise-wide automation solutions for large financial services companies, I was surprised that the industry is vastly manual. After studying the industry, and talking to lots of business... read more

The New monitordaily Website…

Jerry Parrotto

It is with a sense of renewed enthusiasm that we launch this newest version of monitordaily. This is our fifth iteration of the website that was first introduced to the equipment finance industry back in 1996. One of the hallmarks... read more

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