Monitor 2020 Women’s List: Donna Hamel

by Monitor Staff Nov/Dec 2020

Donna Hamel

Vice President, Capital Markets
Dext Capital



Donna Hamel refers to herself as a ‘seasoned professional’ with a very long career in equipment leasing. Hamel started her career by answering an ad from an equipment leasing company then owned by PepsiCo. She loves the opportunity to learn about multiple industries, companies and equipment types, as well as the business, tax and legal aspects that make deals work.


“As technology advances continue to change how everyone does business, we in the equipment leasing industry need to adapt to the way people and companies want and need to work with its partners.“

Hamel has worked with major finance companies and smaller independents. She has had managerial responsibilities in nine countries in Latin America as well as Turkey and Spain, which provided extensive international travel. She is most proud of her tenacity to stay in what has been a male-dominated industry.

As the first (and only) female manager during her time at Pitney Bowes Credit, Hamel one day told management she was pregnant and wanted to know what the maternity leave policy was — there was no such policy covering management. And so, the ground was broken. The first time she attended the ELFA’s annual conference in the late 80’s, she received her convention package and her husband received a spouse package, which consisted of a day at the spa and a pink mumu, making Hamel realize just how tone deaf the association was to the fact that women were a part of the industry.

She organized Women in Equipment Leasing and for three years held monthly training and networking sessions in credit, legal, accounting and structuring for entry level to middle management women. She is so pleased to see the progress made of late with the Women’s Council and is proud to have been on the forefront of the movement.

Early in her career, Hamel migrated from credit to sales, but maintained a focus on vendor programs before moving into capital markets. Hamel believes how you treat customers and colleagues sets you apart because without trust and confidence, you are just another commodity.

“Donna brings a wealth of industry experience, knowledge and professionalism to us as an organization but most importantly to her customers and clients. Her 25 plus years of experience in marketing, sales and sales leadership, coupled with her strong acumen of the healthcare and IT markets, has positioned her as an industry leader and an integral part of our Dext Capital team,” Lou Altobelli, senior vice president and national sales manager at Dext Capital, says.

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